Over 75 years of Experience

Sterling Heights | Detroit


Royal Park Hotel<br>Rochester, MichiganMeemic Insurance Company<br>Auburn Hills, Michigan

We take total responsibility to design and build an HVAC system that meets the specific needs of your facility.

Bumler Mechanical's approach to Design/Build achieves the appropriate balance between innovative engineering, cost effective construction and system performance.

Our mechanical and electrical professional engineers and sales team work with you from the conceptual stage to create optimized, energy efficient solutions in the design of your HVAC system that best suit the needs of your building. Our ability to fast-track your project means time is saved and costs are contained.

It is our goal to make you a customer for life. We design your HVAC system with acoustics and ease of maintenance in mind from the beginning of the project, rather than as an afterthought.

Bumler Mechanical's Design/Build philosophy means that it is our responsibility to deliver your project within budget, on time and properly commissioned.

Our Design/Build services consistently provide the following advantages:

  • Single-source responsibility. We provide a complete set of sealed engineered drawings and specifications.
  • Guaranteed price early in the planning stage. There are no unpleasant surprises after you have paid for the engineering.
  • Early drawing coordination with other trades and disciplines. Documents are created with constructability, code compliance and cost effectiveness in mind.
  • Timely completion. We can start construction prior to the drawings being complete.
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